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The book … is beautifully designed… The lines are short, sometimes consisting of a single word, and the poet favors simple, everyday language. The majority of the poems are also very brief, only two or three stanzas long, and focus on a single, meaningful moment.

I loved this. I’m not a massive poetry buff or anything but I read and liked and understood and was moved by this and you can’t really ask for more from a book of poetry than that, I think. Recommended.

What a wonderful collection of poems to have in this world, our world, for us to turn to when we need them

Brian’s rich talent allows him to say so much with so little, to craft emotion and meaning with such simple, gentle, everyday words. This is welcome, accessible poetry; honest, generous, warm and wise. This collection is a deep-dive exploration into the simple distractions of life, and one which reminds the reader of the joy—and the uneasiness—which surrounds us all.

Brian McGettrick’s poetry stands out because it combines a focus on the reality of everyday life situations with an ability to excite surprise or wonder in the reader…these poems deal with themes that are everywhere around us.

Sharp, often funny, sometimes world weary, always interesting.

Copyright Brian McGettrick 2020

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